Governor's Lodge Resort Hotel NF

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Queen Elizabeth Avenue, 2899, NF Isla Norfolk
Kontakter telefon: +672 3 24400
Latitude: -29.041677, Longitude: 167.959231
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Kommentar 5

  • Darci Smith

    Darci Smith


    Great self contained accommodation. Great location. One of my favourite properties to recommend in Norfolk!

  • Greg Wild

    Greg Wild


    No air conditioning and only some rooms had fans , beautiful grounds and friendly helpful staff . The room we were in the bedding needed updating and the fan was noisy , the room also had a musty smell . Breakfast at the restaurant is expensive and basic for $15 and you are better of going into town .

  • John Stroud

    John Stroud


    Not the cleaning place I have stayed in. There were used tissues our bed side drawers the room was dusty and hadn't been vacuumed a long time. When I spoke with reception I got little response and nothing was done about it. Some of the staff in the restaurant were badly in need of smiling lessons

  • Hilo Lin

    Hilo Lin


    Aynen böyle devam!

  • Margot Scott

    Margot Scott


    Nice. Not too far from "town" - about a 15 minute walk. Bailey's Restaurant was pretty good. Our package gave us a $250 credit, so we enjoyed happy hour for 3 nights and 4 meals there - 2 breakfasts and 2 dinners. It was closed for refurbishment for the first 4 nights of our stay so we got to dine in some other places in Burnt Pine. The resort is not self-contained (no cooking facilities) but we did buy cereal, etc for our breakfasts. Comfortable king bed, and a great shower! Nice pool area but I didn't get wet, even though I did take a cozzy. It wasn't hot enough for me to swim, but it was very popular with families. The island is spectacularly beautiful so would recommend a visit and Governor's Lodge was very pleasant. If you don't mind all the waiters calling you "guys" and "youse" - 2 of my pet hates!

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