Hilli Restaurant & Cafe NF

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Queen Elizabeth Avenue, 2899, NF Norfolk
Kontakter telefon: +672 3 24270
Hjemmeside: www.hillirestaurant.com
Latitude: -29.0403978, Longitude: 167.9584592
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Kommentar 5

  • Alex Mcgillycuddy

    Alex Mcgillycuddy


    Disgraceful. Cancelling a Mothers Day table at 8:40pm the night before despite having a booking in place. To be told initially it was due to wet weather. This was a lie. I was informed prior that they were only setting up inside. When I said this their story changed and I was advised it was because there was a bigger table booked. So why take a booking for 2 adults and 3 children. Oh no, they just want 11 paying adults instead of a family there. Awful service and the clients I now bring in to Norfolk will be advised to avoid this establishment!

  • Darci Smith

    Darci Smith


    Best restaurant on the Island! Absolutely amazing food and great atmosphere!

  • Lyn Kendall

    Lyn Kendall


    Great food and location

  • Diane Hartley

    Diane Hartley


    Delicious food in a pretty garden setting. One of the best places on Island.

  • Simon Perrière

    Simon Perrière


    A nice place, near a beautiful garden. The food are really good to, with a lot of choice

Nærmeste Restaurant:

South Pacific Resort

Taylors Road, Burnt Pine
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