Cumberland Resort and Spa NF

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Cumberland Resort and Spa 100 Taylors Road Burnt Pine NF, 2899, Norfolk Island
Kontakter telefon: +672 3 22721
Latitude: -29.0383454, Longitude: 167.9549065
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Kommentar 4

  • mdesmarc



    Great location, well equipped self-contained accommodation, wonderful helpful staff

  • Bob Schroder

    Bob Schroder


    Great spot to stay. They look after their guests well and offer a great service. Rooms appear to have recently been refurbished.

  • Kez Bray

    Kez Bray


  • Cumberland Resort and Spa and The White House Ocean View Spa Villa

    Cumberland Resort and Spa and The White House Ocean View Spa Villa


    "Angela and Rael are the perfect hosts; so welcoming and always there to help you get the very most from your stay with them on beautiful Norfolk Island. The accommodation could not be faulted with a bathroom that would do justice to an international 5* hotel. Every item you may ever need has been provided including the provision of a very generous starter breakfast pack typifying the thought and generosity with which the business is run. Nothing is too much trouble to Angela and Rael, who are 2 of the loveliest and most genuine people you could wish to meet" from Liz

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