Foodland Supermarket i Burnt Pine

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Taylors Road, 2899, Burnt Pine, NF Norfolk
Kontakter telefon: +672 22018
Latitude: -29.0341358, Longitude: 167.9516369
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Kommentar 3

  • John Akrigg

    John Akrigg


    The main supermarket on Norfolk Island, can get just about anything there.

  • Tomas Carroll

    Tomas Carroll


    had to return to Drakes Foodland at Woodcroft SA after being overcharged on one item plus another item I had been billed for one extra. Total came to just under $30 which I rightly received as a refund but it's a poor way to conduct business. I was also told that another item was NOT on special despite it being advertised in the Foodland online catalogue. Management was full of apologies, but less than truthful, when they phoned. I believe management has lost control of the store and staff. How many customers who do not check their receipts are blindly ripped off week after week? Foodland offer a 5% pensioner discount on Wednesdays but are dearer to begin with so any discount is lost by having to return to the store. From now on I will share my shopping between Woolworths and Coles as quite clearly Drakes Foodland Woodcroft SA does not deserve my custom. I think this chain is struggling after seeing the notice stuck on the deli wall which read 'Only one piece of paper per wrapping' I should have the option of half a star rating which is all they deserve EDIT: A week later when purchasing some cold meat I was told the price shown was 'last week's price' (that was different again) They refused to let me have it for the displayed price and hiked it up another $4/Kg. One would have thought removing 'last week's prices' would been a priority for the staff.

  • Annie Kenny

    Annie Kenny


    Friendly service. The place to purchase all of your holiday requirements - food, bread, fruit and veggies. (arrive early (9am) to get the best choice of fresh fruit and veggies)

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