The Bowlo Bistro i Burnt Pine

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Burnt Pine 2899, Norfolkinsel
Kontakter telefon: +672 22359
Latitude: -29.033141, Longitude: 167.9528005
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Kommentar 5

  • ryan summerscales

    ryan summerscales


    Hands down best restaurant on the island however you gotta book a table in advance and you wanna go when there isn't that many people do not be disturbed by the ambience

  • Phillip Smith

    Phillip Smith


    Not the fastest service but when every table is taken and people waiting to be seated what do you expect we ate there twice each time it was worth the wait it was wonderful food and how welcome we were made

  • Michael Roberts

    Michael Roberts


    Best surf and turf I've had in a long time

  • Annie Kenny

    Annie Kenny


    Consistently well presented and tasty food. Most of the items on the menu can be ordered for takeaway.

  • big truck

    big truck


    Good basic food. Well cooked. Fast service. I had the pork chop and it was great value

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