Broad Leaf Villas, Norfolk Island i Burnt Pine

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154, Taylors Road, 2899, Burnt Pine, NF Norfolk Island
Kontakter telefon: +672 3 50835
Latitude: -29.040914, Longitude: 167.955751
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Kommentar 3

  • Victoria



    My husband and I spent a week here in villa 6 last week. It was absolutely beautiful! The facilities are great if you want a 'home away from home' as well as the freedom to cook for yourself as well as go out and enjoy.

  • Robert Jennings

    Robert Jennings


    We had a wonderful stay at Broadleaf Villas in a two bedroom unit that had all mod cons. It was very clean and staff were extremely helpfull. A car was supplied for our exclusive use along with a mobile phone (2G) . The Norfolk Island people all need a big pat on the back as we found they all were happy for us to be part of the Norfolk Island Way. We loved it. Especially the safe swimming at Emily Bay. One of my favorite things about Broadleaf was that you could drink water from the tap as it is Rainwater.

  • alan parkin

    alan parkin


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