Channers On Norfolk i Norfolk Island

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144 Taylor's Rd, Norfolk Island 2899, Norfolk Island
Kontakter telefon: +61 2 5521 3000
Latitude: -29.040197, Longitude: 167.955313
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Kommentar 5

  • Graham Bevan

    Graham Bevan


    Our group were well looked after. The units were clean and comfortable, the owners made every effort to make our stay something to remember.

  • Helen Cory

    Helen Cory


    Just back from Norfolk Island where we enjoyed staying at Channers. It's a lovely relaxing place with gorgeous views from the BBQ area, chickens on the lawn and a tropical garden to enjoy. Just a short stroll to the main shopping area so no need to be jumping in the car all the time. Nothing was too much trouble. We were welcomed with some local baked goodies on the kitchen bench and even a few kitchen staples in the fridge to get us started. After a few days we mentioned that we found our King sized bed a bit hard because we both have back problems. When we returned to our room after our next hike we had a soft "topper" in place on the bed ready for a wonderful sleep! We will certainly recommend it to others. Very generous hosts!

  • Kevin Healey

    Kevin Healey


    Easy living: our hosts, KerriAnn and Steve, seem to have thought of everything to make our stay comfortable. And they were always helpful with good advice. And their info folder is worth reading cover to cover.

  • Sandra Kessey

    Sandra Kessey


    Great accommodation. Wonderful host. Catered to and anticipated all visitors needs

  • alan parkin

    alan parkin


    Thankyou to Steve and Kerry Anne for a wonderful holiday. Our unit was everything we expected. Your courtesy and warm hospitality was appreciated. See yorly later. Thanks for us.

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