Castaway Norfolk Island i Burnt Pine

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Taylors Road, Burnt Pine 2899, Norfolk Island
Kontakter telefon: +672 3 22625
Latitude: -29.0379757, Longitude: 167.9529649
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Kommentar 5

  • Damian Finch

    Damian Finch


    Nice atmosphere especially on their big vetanda

  • Mike Lippert

    Mike Lippert


    We had dinner at Castaway after it eas recommend to us by a local. What a great recommendation. A friendly atmosphere and delicious food. A pity we can't go back as they only open Sat - Tue and we'll fly out on sat. Do yourself a favour and try their wonderful food.

  • John Akrigg

    John Akrigg


    Nice refurbished place, kid friendly & good food

  • Betsy Mahoney

    Betsy Mahoney


    Great location, extremely friendly staff, nothing was to much for them to do to ensure that your holiday was a memorable one, great food, clean quiet rooms, would recommend Castaway to anybody travelling to Norfolk Island

  • andrew Fletcher

    andrew Fletcher


    We stayed just around the corner from this venue. It become our local, Outstanding service,perfect wood fired pizza and live entertainment on a friday. I have been in the hospitality industry for 30 years. This service was second to none We will be back to beautiful Norfolk island and 100% this venue

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